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Create Photoshop Logo with nice mirror effect

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a nice Photoshop Logo in Corel Draw. There are a few steps in this tutorial, and some Shadow effects & Fountain effect.

Before you start take a look of final effect.

Step 1
Create a New document sized A4 as a default. Also you will double Click on Rectangle tool, and you will get A4 size Rectangle, and Fill colour  C : 00, M : 00, Y : 00, K : 100. Make following view.

Step 2
After that select Rectangle, and First we are making a Background for that, go to Fill tool > Fountain fill (F11). Make following adjustments.

You will get a nice background.

Step 3
Click on Rectangle tool, and draw rectangle as per design. Choose the R : 86, G : 163, B : 243, colour of the rectangle.
Make following view.

Than next select rectangle go Fill tool > Fountain fill (F11). make following adjustment.

After adjustment you will get this.

Step 4
Click on Text Tool (F8), and type text. Choose Myriad Pro font and C : 00, M : 00, Y : 00, K : 100, colour of the text. Make following view.

After that select all design and make copy, make following view.

After that select the text and hold shift key also select the rectangle and then click to Trim on top of the option bar, Make following view.

After that deleted the text and you will get this.

Step 5
Select the recently working object, go to Drop Shadow tool. Make following view.

After that you will get this.

Step 6
Select the 1st one rectangle, go to Drop Shadow tool. Make following view.

After that you will get this.

Step 7
Select the copy rectangle and place on original object. Make following view.

After that group the all object and make copy then mirror vertically this as per design, make following view.

Step 8
Select the copy object and go to Menu bar > Bitmaps > Convert to Bitmap. Make following adjustment.

After that select bitmap image, go to Transparency and make following view.

And this is your final Image.

Enjoying corelDraw....

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